"Spirit of the CCC" - 1935
The first major statue produced to honor the CCC was a statue titled "Spirit of the CCC," later nicknamed "Iron Mike." A Works Progress Administration (WPA) Federal Art Project sculptor, Uno John Palokangas (known as John Palo-Kangas) was assigned to Camp #1917-V (WWI Veterans Camp), SP-21. This art-deco style art was typical of that period. The model for this statue was Robert J. Pauley of Carmichael, California. Mr. Pauley was a veteran of WWI and was about 38 years old at the time. The statue was unveiled by President Franklin D, Roosevelt at the dedication on October 1, 1935 at CCC Company 1917 in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, California. A bronzed colored plaster of the park model was exhibited at the CCC exhibition camp in Balboa Park in San Diego, and was dedicate on May 19, 1936 by James J. McEntee, Assistant Director of the CCC. Both statues have disappeared.

"Spirit of the CCC" Recast-1993
California NACCCA Chapter 55, which also called itself the "Spirit of the CCC Chapter", initiated the drive for a replacement state and they were supported by Chapters 34 and 65. Over $26,000 was donated by members of NACCCA. Thye reproduction bronze statue was sculpted by Jim Brothers of Lawrence, Kansas. It was donated by NACCCA to the City of Los Angeles, Department of Recreation and Parks. The replacement state was dedicated on October 1, 1993. The statue stands at Griffith Park, Travel Town Museum. This time the statue is made of sturdy bronze rather than concrete and it will be a memorial to the CCC for many years to come.

"CCC Worker Statue" - 1995
The excitement of the dedication of a permanent "Spirit of the CCC" statue, led to the design, construction and dedication of a life sie series of statues. The new series of statues known as the CCC Worker Statue dot the American Landscape in tribute to the men of the CCC. The CCC Worker Statue is the latest piece of statuary created by the alumni as a symbol of honoring the men and their work.

"Off the Fire Line" - John Selesky - 2005
Between 2005 and 2010 a small deskt6op statue measuring ine inches tall was cast in the image of member John Selesky, Before his death, John Selesky, of Michigan, was the coordinator of the CCC Worker Statue program. Due to the many requests for an affordable table top statue he began a miniature statue program. The statue design was taken from a photograph when he ws a young CCC enrollee walking off the fire line. The photo was the cover photos for a book titled We Can Do It: History of the CCC in Michigan 1933-1942, author charles A. Symon. This photo was used by sculptor, John Gooden, of Oklahoma to create the statue cast. Gooden discontinued the casting of the iniature statues when he transition his studio pieces to life size statues. This statue is no longer available for purchase. The total number cast is unknown.