Statue #76 – Pachaug State Forest
Voluntown, CT
Dedicated: September 21, 2019
Coordinated by the Sharon Viadella and Friends of Pachaug.

Statue #75 – Chatfield Hollow State Park
Killingworth, CT
Dedicated: May 11, 2019
Coordinated by CCC Legacy members Martin Podskoch and Sharon Viadella.

Statue #74 – Tishomingo State Park
Tishomingo, MS
Dedicated: May 15, 2019.
Sponsored by Friends of Tishomingo State Park. This monument to the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) workers stands near the swimming pool and iconic Swinging Bridge at Tishomingo State Park. The men of CCC Co. 3497 built the Swinging Bridge and other structures in the Park. The bridge was design by civil engineer Clifford G. Worsham. The cost for the 186-foot-long suspension bridge over Bear Creek was $238, plus donated and scavenged materials.

Statue #73 – Cumberland Mountain State Park
Crossville, TN
Dedicated: September 14, 2018.
Sponsored by Friends of Cumberland Mountain State Park.

Statue #72 - Glacier Public Service Center
Mt. Baker Ranger District – Mt. Baker Snoqualmie NF Deming, WA – June 16, 2018.
Sponsored through the effort of members and local history advocates Mike Impero and Janet Oakley in partnership with the Glacier Ranger Station.

Statue #71 - Fort Clinch State Park
Fernandina Beach, FL
Dedicated: October 28, 2017
Sponsored by the Friends of Fort Clinch State Park. The CCC restored the historic Fort Clinch and built the park in 1937.

Statue #70 - CCC & POW Camp Museum
Salina, Utah
Dedicated: July 3, 2017
A community effort supported by the City of Salina which created the Museum area and the installation of the statue to honor the CCC. The museum tells the story of the CCC camp and the German POW’s that resided there during WWII. Community advocates Tami Clark, Dee Olsen and family spearheaded the project. Co. 479, F-32, served in the camp.

Statue #69 - Montgomery Bell State Park
Burns, TN
Dedicated: June 7, 2017
Park personnel fulfilled a long-time dream by installing the 69th CCC Worker Statue on June 7, 2017, at Montgomery Bell State Park near Burns, Tennessee. Park Manager Pat Wright was Master of Ceremonies for the statue unveiling and dedication.
Montgomery Bell State Park was created as a Recreational Demonstration Area through the efforts of the Works Progress Administration and CCC Companies 1474 (SCS-8), 4497-C (SP-5) and 3464 (NP-15). The Tennessee chapters of NACCCA held their annual reunion at Montgomery Bell State Park for many years. The CCC Worker Statue and associated informational displays at the Highway 70 park entrance office and visitor center were made possible through the efforts of the Friends of Montgomery Bell State Park group and a donation from The Jackson Foundation.

Statue #68 - Fort Missoula Regional Park
Missoula, MT
Dedicated: October 21, 2016.
Fort Missoula served as the District Headquarters of the CCC. The statue is placed at the entrance of the Missoula County Recreational Park that is included in the historic area of Fort Missoula. This area interprets the history of many facets of local history and is great place to get a glimpse of the life of Ft. Missoula. The official dedication of the park and statue was held on April 29, 2017.

Statue #67 - Bandelier National Monument
Los Alamos, NM
Dedicated: October 14, 2016.
Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the National Park Service through the interpretation of the Civilian Conservation Corps was a priority to the staff of the Bandelier National Monument. The presence of the statue shares park history and teaches visitors about the importance of the CCC in America.
Thanks to the staff of Bandelier National Park for serving as advocates to have another CCC Worker Statue in the National Park system.

Statue #66 - Zion National Park
Springdale, UT
Dedicated: September 26, 2016
Through a fundraising effort lead by Ken Baldridge, Pleasant Grove, UT, and the Washington County Historical Society, St. George, UT, the statue was placed at Zion National Park which highlights the great heritage of the CCC in the park as well as the state of Utah. The statue location just outside the visitor center will introduce millions of guests to the heritage of the CCC and help to celebrate the 100th birthday of the National Park Service.

Statue #65 - Fox River Park
Kenosha County Parks
Burlington, WI
September 30, 2015
Fox River Park has served the community since it was built between 1934 and 1937 by CCC Companies 2625 and 2655. On September 30, the community honored the heritage of the CCC in the Kenosha County Park through the dedication of the 65th CCC Worker Statue.
Thanks to the diligent work of county staff members and a generous donation of the John & Ruth L. Kloss Charitable Trust the statue became a reality.

Statue #64 - Trees for Tomorrow
Eagle River, WI
Dedicated: June 14, 2015
Flag Day meant something special to all who attended the CCC Worker Statue Dedication at Trees For Tomorrow in Eagle River, WI. Bill Jamerson of Michigan provided the history of the CCC in song and story, which set the tone for an appreciation of the hard work done by the men of the CCC.
The project was funded through a major donation from Richard Chrisinger of Springfield, Missouri, and Trees for Tomorrow. The names of donors appear on a plaque that will be placed on the interior of the building.
CCC Alumni in attendance were Richard Chrisinger, MO, (L) and Fred Miller, WI (R).

Statue #63 - Cheaha State Park
Delta, AL
Dedicated: May 31, 2015
The placement of the Cheaha State Park Statue is a direct result of long term determination on the part of Grant Atkinson, Eagle Scout, Alabama State Park system and CCC Legacy.
The statue stands near the CCC built observation tower and museum.
Photo by Bill Wilson, Anniston

Statue #62 - Ouabache State Park
Bluffton, IN
Dedicated: October 5, 2014
Ouabache State Park is a much loved local recreational site to CCC advocates of Bluffton, IN. This enthusiasm for CCC history was focused in an effort that created the Friends of Ouabache State Park under the leadership of Myrna and Rocky Myrtle.
As a daughter of a CCC Boy, Myrna was determined and focused on creating a means to honor her Dad and the men of Co.1592 who served there. After a two year fundraising effort, the proud day arrived when the statue was dedicated and has taken its place in the recreational area of Kunkle Lake.
Visitors still enjoy the herd of American Bison managed by the park staff, fire tower, lodge and other structures built by the CCC.

Statue #61 - Roaring River State Park
Cassville, MO
Dedicated: May 4, 2013
As part of the 80th Anniversary of the CCC, Missouri advocates for a CCC Worker Statue realized their dream of placing the second statue in their state. Through the efforts of CCC Legacy members Richard Chrisinger and his daughter Naomi Shaw, the statue now stands in the picnic area built by the CCC.
Gov. Jay Nixon of Missouri was the keynote speaker at the event and is pictured here with CCC enrollees as they unveil this symbol of CCC accomplishment.
Roaring River State Park is widely known for its CCC built fish hatchery that is still used today for supplying trout to the local streams.

Statue #60 - Pickett CCC Memorial State Park
Jamestown, TN
September 20, 2012
During the 75th Anniversary celebration of the Tennessee State Park System, the dedication of the CCC Worker Statue was an added bonus for visitors. The Tennessee State Park system headed the effort to fund the statue and have it placed near the CCC built museum and park visitors center. The building once served as the entrance and office.

Statue #59 - Hyner View State Park
Renovo, PA
Out of dedication to his CCC friends, Joseph Wiedemer of Altoona, PA, kept his promise that he would get a statue for Hyner View State Park. The beautiful view and a mutual fondness for outdoor sports bonded the men as they grew up together in the mountains of Pennsylvania. After several years of planning, a dream came true and the statue was dedicated. This is the 7th statue in the state of Pennsylvania making it the state that has the largest number of statues.

Statue #58 - Gambrill State Park
Thurmont, MD
November 5, 2011
Through the cooperation of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Chapter #113, and Potomac Edison Electric a statue was placed in Gambrill State Park near the CCC built Tea Room. From the area visitors can enjoy the valley from the CCC built overlooks. Chapter #113 was on hand for the dedication along with guest speakers from Maryland State Parks.

Statue #57 - Lumber Heritage Museum
Galeton, PA
Dedicated: September 25, 2011
The CCC Worker Statue at the Pennsylvania Lumber Heritage Museum is a symbol for the long and lasting heritage of the lumber industry in Pennsylvania. The effort was spearheaded by Mike Wennin, Executive Director of the museum as the latest exhibit to showcase CCC heritage. This is the 6th statue in the state of Pennsylvania.

Statue #56, Damascus, AR
345 Camphill Road
Dedicated: May 31, 2011
The 56th statue is placed at the site of the former Co. 3781, SCS-5. This camp is on private ground owned by the Dipert family and they have gone to great lengths to restore and maintain the original rock entrance and preserve its heritage. The Dipert family generously funded the statue and orchestrated the event. The senior Dan Dipert (left) was a cook at the camp and was the first one in the camp area preparing for the rest of the company to arrive. The public is invited to view the statue

Statue #55, Lacey Keosauqua State Park
Keosauqua, IA
Dedicated: July 31, 2010
The first statue in Iowa was a joint effort between the newly formed Iowa Hawkeye Chapter and the Friends of Lacey Keosauqua. The park is making a renewed effort to preserve its CCC heritage and the statue brings attention to its heritage. It stands by the stone gatehouse and near the lodge built by the CCC.

Statue #54 - Versailles State Park
Versailles, IN
Dedicated: May 21, 2010

Statue #53 - Guernsey State Park
Guernsey, WY
Dedicated: October 11, 2009
The Friends of Guernsey State Park were forced to cancel the unveiling of the the CCC statue scheduled for Sunday, October 11 due to snow that dumped 13 inches of snow in Wyoming’s southeast corner. A casual gathering was held and a more formal gathering will take place when the weather is more conducive to gathering. The statue was funded by the Friends of Guernsey State Park.

Statue #52 - Hartwick Pines State Park
Grayling, MI
Dedicated: June 20, 2009
John Selesky (left) president and Bob Fyvie (right) vice president of CCC Legacy Chapter #129 unveil the 52th CCC Worker which has been placed in the area of the state park’s logging museum. The unveiling of the CCC Worker Statue was a part of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of Michigan State Parks. This is the third statue for Michigan. The first statue was placed at Higgins Lake State Park in 1995; second at the Tahquamenon Logging Museum in Newberry, MI, placed by Chapter #161 in 2002; and third statue in Michigan placed at Hartwick Pines State Park 2009 by Chapter 129.

Statue #51, Hill City Visitors Center
Hill City, South Dakota
Dedicated: May 16, 2009
Under the bright blue skies and a balmy spring South Dakota breeze nearly 250 CCC enthusiast gathered to dedicate the 51st CCC Workers State and the new CCC Museum at the Hill City Visitors Center. The event was organized by CCC Legacy members Jay Hendrickson, and Peggy Sanders. 11 year old Andrew Weathermon was one of the main speakers and has given frequent presentations about the CCC.
Funding for the statue was provided by CCC Legacy Memberb Melvin Hermanson of Rapid City, SD.
L-R: Swede Johnson and Walter Atwood

Statue #50 - South Mountain Park
Phoenix, AZ
Dedicated: February 21, 2009
Coordinated by the members of Chapter #44 and the Jack Duncan Family. The statue is located at the visitors center entrance.
Phoenix South Mountain Park is considered the largest municipal park in the nation and overs more than 16,000 acres.

Statue #49 - Capital Grounds - New Mexico
Santa Fe, NM
Dedicated: January 16, 2009
Sponsorship: Chapter #141, the National New Deal Preservation Association and the New Mexico Legislature.
Dedicated in conjunction with the 75th Anniversary of the CCC.
Photo Pending
Statue #48 - Colossal Cave Mountain Park
New Mexico
Dedicated: October 25, 2008
The placement of the statue was fostered by Colossal Cave Mountain Park. Through the generous donation of Chapter #44 member, Gerald Johnson of Bisbee, AZ, the statue became a reality. Chapter #44 participated of Phoenix participated in the program. From 1934 to 1937 two CCC Companies, 858 and 2851 worked inside the cave. They widened passages, established trails, installed handrails and lighting, and enlarged the entrance. Above ground they constructed the magnificent hewn limestone retaining wall and headquarters.

Statue #47 - Elephant Butte State Park
New Mexico
Dedicated: October 18, 2008
Walter Atwood unveils the statue. Dedicated in conjunction with the 75th Anniversary of the CCC.

Statue #46 Petit Jean State Park
Morrilton, Arkansas
Dedicated: August 30, 2008
The statue was dedicated on the annual Founders Day event held at Petit Jean State Park. The statue was dedicated by Richard Davies, Executive Director of Arkansas Parks and Tourism, He is the grandson of Samuel Davies, a civil engineer hired during the building of Petit Jean who became project superintendent of CCC Co. V-1718 and eventually the first Director of Arkansas State Parks.
The statue is located at the site of the CCC camp. As a camp of Many of the buildings built by Co. 1718-V are still in use today and reflect the skill, craftsmanship and mission of the CCC.
Dedicated in conjunction with the 75th Anniversary of the CCC. Pictured: (L) Park Superintendent Wally Scherrey (R) Richard Davies.

Statue #45 California Conservation Corps Headquarters
Sacramento, CA
Dedicated: June 25, 2008
This statue is located in the lobby of the California Conservation Corps Headquarters building. It is in the only statue sheltered inside and housed on the grounds of a current conservation corps facility. Funds were raised by NACCCA co-founder Robert L. Griffiths and the dedication was held in conjunction with the California Conservation Corps.
Dedication in conjunction with the 75th Anniversary of the CCC.
Pictured to the right is Robert Griffiths

Statue #44 - George Washington National Forest
Lee Ranger District – Edinburg, VA
Dedicated: May 17, 2008
The Edinburg statue was placed on the 75th Anniversary of the Civilian Conservation Corps and highlights the history of Camp Roosevelt which is America’s first CCC Camp which was located on the Massanutten Mountain in the Shenandoah Valley of VA.
The fundraising effort was accomplished by selling CCC merchandise and CCC Commemorative pavers. The pavers make up the Commemorative Wall which honors the men of the CCC from across the nation.
The commemorative area and statue stands in view of Edinburg Gap which crosses the Massanutten Mountain. A mountain road used by the boys to come into Edinburg for supplies and recreation. The memorial area is located at the CCC Legacy office.

Statue #43 - O'Leno State Park
High Springs, FL
Dedicated: March 15, 2008
Chapter #143 was a faithful servant to the CCC heritage of O’Leno State Park. As part of the national 75th Anniversary activities they dedicated the CCC Worker Statue to help remember the work of their members and the work of the alumni who served in the park. The statue was purchased by George and Peggy LeCouris who were chapter members and life members of NACCCA.

Statue #42 - Warren County Visitor Center
Warren, PA
Dedicated: August 24, 2007
Pennsylvania has a rich history of the CCC and its citizens stand out in the nation as strong advocates for the community history that they still enjoy. The Tionesta Valley Snowmobile Club is an example of citizens groups preserving and enjoying the local CCC history that is so much a part of their community. As they use the Allegheny National Forest for recreational snowmobiling they also salute the men of the CCC. Thanks to the Tionesta Valley Snowmobile Club for organizing the fundraising and placement of the #42 CCC Worker Statue. They also still maintain the tradition of holding the annual picnic at the statue and near by parks.
Route 6, Warren, PA.
Statue #41 - Gooseberry Falls State Park
Two Harbors, MN
August 9, 2007
NACCCA chapters 33 and 119 raised the money with assistance from the Minnesota Conservation Corps and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and State Parks and Recreation