William 'Bill" Jamerson
407 Ogden Avenue
Escanaba, MI 49825
Cell Phone: 906-420-3100
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.billjamerson.com
Area of Expertise: Musical Education and Entertainment
Locale you serve (Travel limits): Pennsylvania Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan.
Fee/Travel: $300—$500
Author, PBS filmmaker, songwriter. Twenty years of experience exploring CCC history and educating through musical entertainment and video. Served as the featured entertainer at five national NACCCA conventions. Entertained and have visited numerous CCC state parks in the upper Midwest
Book: Big Shoulders – historical novel
DVD: Camp Forgotten—60 minute PBS film on the CCC in Michigan
CD: “Crazy Khaki Kids”— Song about the CCC Boys