Thanks to our members for sharing their enthusiasm for CCC heritage
“Passing the legacy to future generations”
Welcome to the CCC Legacy Members "Speakers Spotlight"
Ren and Helen Davis
3317 Breton Circle, NE
Atlanta, GA 30319
Phone: 404-257-0731 Cellular: 404-808-5339
Email: [email protected]
Area of Expertise: CCC Legacy in America’s state and national parks
Locale: Nationwide
Fees/Travel Expenses (if any): Negotiable honorarium to defray travel expenses and lodging assistance.
William “Bill” Jamerson
407 Ogden Avenue
Escanaba, MI 49825
Cell Phone: 906-420-3100
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.billjamerson.com
Area of Expertise: Musical Entertainment
Locale you serve (Travel limits): Pennsylvania Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan.
Fee/Travel: $300—$500
Martin “Marty” Podskoch
43 O’Neill Lane
East Hampton, CT 06424
Phone: 860-267-2442
Email: [email protected]
Area of Expertise: CCC in Connecticut and New York
Locale: Focuses on the northeast
Fees / Travel Expenses (if any):
316 Idlewood Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15235-3817
Phone: 412-793-3457
Email: [email protected]
Area of Expertise: CCC history in the Allegheny National Forest of Pennsylvania and western and central Pennsylvania in general.
Locale: Western and Central Pennsylvania
Fees/Travel Expenses: Willing to travel but it the distance is more than 100 miles from Pittsburgh, PA would appreciate a honorarium.
Please click on the names for extended information
CCC Legacy members hold a wide range of talents and skills. Many members regularly share information in a public setting and the office frequently gets callers asking for the names of speakers in different sections of the nation. In many cases, CCC Legacy doesn’t readily have information available. To help bridge this gap, we are offering an opportunity for members to share their contact information so it is available for inquiries.
This list is not a Speakers Bureau in the true sense of the expression. CCC Legacy does not administer the speaking engagements. It is rather a reference list so others can contact the presenter directly. Members who might want to be included could be historians, authors, entertainers,
archaeologists, agency staff, etc. The main criteria is that the content focuses on the history of the CCC and promotes the CCC Legacy mission of educating citizens.
To have your name placed on the speakers list you must be a member and the following information and a photo must be provided.
- Name:
- Mailing Address:
- Telephone: Land Line and Mobile Phone
- Email:
- Website (if you have one):
- Area of Expertise:
- Locale you serve (Travel Limits):
- Honorariums/Fees/Travel Expenses: (if any)
- Brief Biography:
- Accomplishments—CCC Related Books/ Articles / Films:
- Additional Information that might be interesting to potential inquiries:
A form has been developed to help consolidate participate information and to help facilitate creating uniform information for publishing. Click here to download, Speakers Spotlight Form