Camp Library – Co. 1387 Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park, VA
Civilian Conservation Corps Books
- Annick, Hivert, Cathew. Proud to Work: Pictorial History of Michigan’s CCC.
- Anderson, Robert E. Written on the Land. Fairmont Printer, Fairmont, WV. 2002
- Armstrong, Frank H., Ph.D., Oates, Marguerite. Window Seat. 1988, Bull Run of Vermont.
- Audretsch, Robert W. Shaping the Park and Saving the Boys: The Civilian Conservation Corps at Grand Canyon, 1933-1942. Indianapolis, IN. Dog Ear Publishing. 2011
- Barta, Nancy Hill. Starved Rock State Park . Arcadia Publishing 2007.
- Benson, David R. Stories in Log and Stone: The Legacy of the New Deal in Minnesota State Parks. Department of Natural Resources. Breaman, John, Robert H. Bremner, and David Brody, eds.
- The New Deal: The State and Local Levels (Vol. 2). Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 1975.
- Brown, Nelson C. The Civilian Conservation Corps Program in the United States. Washington: GPO, 1934.
- Bush, Harold H. Flashbacks of a Forest Ranger. 1999.
- Canton, Steve. Dusty Roads. 1993.
- Carl, Donald DeLancey. A Time To Remember” . 1991.
- Cole, Olen Jr. The African American Experience in the Civilian Conservation Corps. Gainsville: University Press of Florida, 1999.
- Cohen, Stan. The Tree Army: A Pictorial History of the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933 1942.
Missoula, MT: Pictorial Histories Publishing Company, 1980. - Conti, Lt. Colonel Phillip M. The CCC: Salvaging Boys & Other Treasurers. 1998
- Cornebise, Alfred E. The CCC Chronicles: Camp Newspapers of the Civilian Conservation Corps,1933-1942. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc, Publishers, 2004
- Cunningham, FayL. I Remember This: A Memoir from the Great Depression to the Great Recession. 2012
- Daugherty, Raymond. The CCC and Me. 2003. (Personal account Co. 1524 Camp Hardy, WV)
- Davis, Frank C. My C.C.C. Days. memories of the Civilian Conservation Corps. Parkway Publishers, Inc. Boone, North Carolina. 2006
- Davis, Ren and Helen. Our Mark on This Land. McDonald & Woodward, Granville, OH. 2011
- Derscheid, Lyle A. The CCC in South Dakiota 1933-1942, Second Edition.
- Downing, Donna. Out of the Ashes: The memoirs of James R. Wilkins. 1996
- Draves, David D. Builder of Men: Life in C.C.C. Camps of New Hampshire. Peter E. Randall Publisher, Portsmouth, NJ, 1992.
- Durkee, W.X. (Pat). An American Life through Peace and War. 2010 (Chapter 6, p. 55-65)
- Duxbury, Kathleen. The Boys of Bergen: Remember the CCC in Bergen County, New Jersey. Duxbury Media, Inc., Ridgewood, New Jersey. 2012
- Duxbury, Kathleen. CCC Art: Artists of the Civilian Conservation Corps Marshall Davis Duxbury Media, Inc. Ridgewood, New Jersey. 2014
- Emery, Tom. Soldiers with Picks and Shovels: The CCC Camp at Carlinville, IL,. History in Print, 337 E. Second South, Carlinville, IL 62626. 2011
- Engle, Reed L. Everything Was Wonderful – A Pictorial History of the Cilvian Conservation Corps in Shenandoah Naitonal Park. Shenandoah Natural History Association, Inc. Luray, VA, 1999.
- Ermentrout, Robert Allen. Forgotten Men the Civilian Conservation Corps. 1982
F – G
- Galo, George. The 191st Company. The Civilian Conservation Corps. (VT). 1997
- Galusha, Diane. Another Day, Another Dollar – The CCC in the Catskills. 2008 Black Dome Press.
- Good, Albert H. Park and Recreation Structures. Garybooks, Bloulder Co. 1990. Reprint from 1938 Edition.
- Hayden, Ernest A. The Civilian Conservation Corps. 1985.
- Harr, Milton. The C.C.C. Camps in West Virginia 1933-1942. Charleston, WV: Copyright 1992 by Milton Harr
- Hayden, Ernest A. The United States Civilian Conservation Corps of the 1930’s. Callahan, CA: Ernst A. Hayden, 1985.
- Hill, Edwin G. In the Shadow of the Mountain: The Spirit of the CCC. 1990.
- Holland, Kenneth and Frank Ernest Hill. Youth in the CCC. 1974.
- Hinton, Wayne K. with Green, Elizabeth A. With Picks, Shovels & Hope: The CCC and Its Legacy on the Colorado Plateau. Missoula, Montana. Mountain Press Publishing, 2008
- Horner, Irene. Roaring River Heritage. Chapter 5, pages 33-48. Litho Printers, Box 488, Cassville, MO 65625.
- Howell, Glenn. CCC Boys Remember: A Pictorial History of the CCC. Medford, OR: Klocker Printery, 1976.
- Hoyt, Ray. We Can Take It: A Short History of the CCC. New York: American Book Company, 1935.
- Huddleston, Connie M. Images of America Georgia’s Civilian Conservation Corps. Arcadia Publishing, 2009
- Hunt, Sharon E. Images of America Vail and Colossal Cave Mountain Park. Arcadia. 2007.
- Images of America – Cuyahoga Valley. Arcadia Publishing, 2004
- Images of of America – Hacklebarney and Voorhees State Parks, Arcadia Publishing, 2006.
- Images of America – Promised Land State Park, Arcadia Publishing, 2006.
- Jolley, Harley E. The CCC in the Smokies. Great Smoky Mountains Natural History Association. 2001.
- Jolley, Harley E. That Magnificent Army of Youth and Peace: The CCC in North Carolina. Office of Archives and History North Carolina Department of cultural Resources, Raleigh, NC. 2007
- Jones, Paul E. Forgotten Boys of the CCC Who Enlisted as Boys and were Discharged as Men. 2004
- Kiefer, E. Kay and Paul E. Fellows. Hobnail Boots and Khaki Suits: A Brief Look at the Great Depression and the Civilian Conservation Corps as Seen through the Eyes of Those Who Were There. 1983.
- Kolvet, Renee Corona and Ford, Victoria, The Civilian Conservation Corps in Nevada. University of Nevada Press, 2006
- Kresek, Ray. Fire Lookouts of the Northwest. 1984.
- Larkin, Joe. FDR’s Tree Army. Valley County History Press. 2008
- Lacy, Leslie Alexander. The Soil Soldiers: The Civilian Conservation Corps in the Great Depression. Radnor, PA: Chilton Book Company,1976.
- Lange, Howard L. M.D. The CCC: A Humanitarian Endeavor during the Great Depression. New York: Vantage Press, 1984.
- Laven, Edward E. The Nez Perce National Forest Story. Northwest Interpretive Assoc. p. 39-40.
- Maher, Neil M. Nature’s New Deal. Oxford University Press, 2008.
- Matthews, Judy and Beardshall, Ann Hardy. 3 Hots and a Cot – CCC Camp Unit 1388 P-53, Bastian, VA. Bland County Historical Society (VA). Copyright 2012
- McBridge, Dennis. Hard Work and Farm from Home. The CCC at Lake Meade, NM. Bolder Images. 1995.
- Melzer, Richard. Coming of Age in the Great Depression The Civilian Conservation Corps Experience in New Mexico, 1933-1942. Yucca Tree Press, 2000.
- Merrill, Perry H. Roosevelt’s Forest Army: A History of the Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942. Montpelier, VT: Perry H. Merrill, 1981.
- Mielnik, Tara Mitchell. New Deal, New Landscape The Civilian Conservation Corps and South Carolina’s State Parks. South Carolina History Press. 2011
- Monson, Don. Autogiography of a World War Two Tailhooker. 2005 (Pages 4-8, Co. 1653, Camp Lakewood, WI)
- Moore, Robert J. The Civilian Conservation Corps in Arizona ’s Rim Country: Working in the Woods. University of Nevada Press, 2006
- Moore, Robert J. Devil’s Lake Wisconsin and the Civilian Conservation Corps. Charleston London, The History Press. 2011
- Nolte, M. Chester ed. Civilian Conservation Corps: The Way We Remember It, 1933 – 1942: Paducah, KY: Turner Printing. NACCCA 1990.
- Nolte, M. Chester ed. We Can Take It. NACCCA – 60th Memorial Celebration
- O’Brien, James Dewey. An American Experience: The First Ninety-Three Years. Otter Bay Books, Baltimore, MD. 2010. (Chapter 3)
- Oliver, A.C., Jr., Dudley, Harold M. This New America – The Story of the C.C.C. Longman, Green and Co. 1937.
- Osborne, Peter. Images of America – Promised Land State Park. Arcadia Publishing 2006. Minisink Valley Historical Society.
- Paige, John C. The Civilian Conservation Corps and the National Park Service, 1933-1942. An Administrative History. NPS, 1985.
- Pasquill, Robert, Jr. The Civilian Conservatioin Corps in Alabama, 1933-1942. A Great and Lasting Good. University of Alabama Press. 2008.
- Pfaff. Christine. Reclamation Managing Water in the West. The Bureau of Reclamation and the Civilian Conservation Corps: 1933-1942. Department of Interior. 2010
- Pike, Leslie Francis. Letters from a CCC Peevie. Printed by Waters Publications Inc. Columbia, MO. 1983
- Podskoch, Martin. Adirondack Civilian Conservation Corps Camps: History Memories & Legacy of the CCC Podskoch Press, 43 O’Neill Ln, East Hampton, CT 06424. 2011.
- Purvis, Louis Lester. The Ace in the Hole A Brief History of Company 818 fo the Civilian Conservation Corps. 1989
- Reich, Edwin W. Camp Ellsworth Wisconsin. Company #3669 SCS-3, 1935-1942. 2001
- Reynalds, Gerald. The Woodpecker War. 1977
- Ryan, J.C. The CCC and Me. Duluth, MN: J.C. Ryan, 1987.
- Salmond, John A. Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942: A New Deal Case Study. Duke University Press. 1967.
- Savage, Christine E. New Deal Adobe. The Civilian Conservation Cors and the Reconstruction of Mission LaPurisma 1934-42. 1991.
- Speakman, Joseph M. At Work in Penn’s Woods: The Civilian Conservation Corps in Pennsylvania. Penn State University Press, 2006.
- Sanders, Peggy. Images of America: Wind Cave National Park – The First 100 Years. Arcadia Publishing, 2003
- Sanders, Peggy. The Civilian Conservation Corps In and Around the Black Hills. Arcadia Publishing, 2004.
- Schlenken, Norman, Wetherington, Wilkins. In the Public Interest The Civilian Conservation Corps in Maine.
- Schuller, Mary J. The Soldiers of Poverty.
- Schultz, Michael John. In the Shadow of the Trees – CCC Camp One Allegheny National Forest. Thomaston, ME: Dan River Press, 1997.
- Shean, Marion. My Life in the Civilian Conservation Corps Camp S-122 Co. 1241 Boonville, NY. Copyrighted Marion Francis Shean. Last Chance Publishing, June 18, 2007.
- Smith, Kathy Mays. Gold Medal CCC Company 1538: A Documentary. Backbone of our nation and our military. Turner Publishing Co., 2001
- Sommer, Barbara W. Hard Work and a Good Deal: The Civilian Conservation Corps in Minnesota. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2008.
- Steely, James Wright. The Civilian Conservation Corps in Texas State Parks. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. 1986.
- Steely, James Wright. Parks for Texas: Enduring Landscapes of the New Deal. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1998.
- Sundergill, James E. Carry On! The Life Adventures of Joe Davis. (CCC experience p. 23-40)
- Symon, Charles A. We Can Do It! A History of the CCC in Michigan 1933-1942. 1983
T – U
- Utley, Dan K. and James W. Steely. Guided with a Steady Hand: The Cultural Landscape of a Rural Texas Park. Waco: Baylor University Press, 1998.
V – W
- White, William G. The Civilian Conservation Corps in Clark County Nevada; An Historical Overview and Content. Harry Reid Center for Environmental Studies, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. May 2003
- Wirth, Conrad. Parks, Politics and the People. 1980
X – Y – Z
CCC Fiction for the Youth reader
- Ahlman, Larry. Terror in the Tetons. 2006.
- Edwards, Judith. Trouble on the Mountain. Images from the Past, Inc. 2012
- Edwards, Judith. Invasion on the Mountain. Images from the Past, 2011
- Ingold Jeanette. Hitch (Becoming a man takes work). Harcourt Publications, 2005. www.harcourtbooks.com
- Jamerson, William. Big Shoulders. 2007.
- *Schatzer,Jeffery L. Fires in the Wilderness.
CCC - Other Publish Documents
- Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. The Morrow Brothers of MaComb, IL. Vol. 104, No. 4 Winter 2011. p. 336-369. Illinois State Historical Society; Springfield, IL. Printer: William Street Press, Decatur, IL.
- Nez Perce County Historical Society. CCC Boys Remembered. The Journal: Historical Events in Nez Perce County and surrounding area.
- South Dakota History South Dakota State Historical Society. Vol. 8, Number 4, Fall 1978.
- Trinity 2007. The Civilian Conservation Corps in Trinity County 1933-1942 (CA) Official Yearbook for Trinity County Historical Society, Weaverville, CA.
The Depression
- Annick, Hivert, Cathew. Proud to Work: Pictorial History of Michigan’s CCC.
- Anderson, Robert E. Written on the Land. Fairmont Printer, Fairmont, WV. 2002
- Armstrong, Frank H., Ph.D., Oates, Marguerite. Window Seat. 1988, Bull Run of Vermont.
- Audretsch, Robert W. Shaping the Park and Saving the Boys: The Civilian Conservation Corps at Grand Canyon, 1933-1942. Indianapolis, IN. Dog Ear Publishing. 2011