Co. 601, E-6, Banjor WI - 1934
Donor: Ann Maher
Photos of Camp Bangor
Archive#: 16-LF-CLC-6636
Co. 625, SCS-21 Camp Highland - 1934
Donor: Phil Keppler, son
Description: Photos of Camp Highland
Archive#: 19-LF-CLC-6756
Eldon Keppler was born in 3-12-16. At age 12 he lost his mother when she died on a train riding from Washington to Illinois – 1928. His dad moved the family from a small hardscrabble farm in Marion County to Pana, IL where he took work at a creamery. He took the money that he had and put a down payment on a home town restaurant where all the kids helped out. Although the circumstances were cloudy, my dad left to join the CCC. From the recounted stories, he was always proud of his service. He would tell about fire-watch and putting wood in the stoves at night going from barracks to barracks. He always laughed about the stories. In Lincoln New Salem, Petersburg, IL, he worked in the blacksmith shop making hinge straps and hardware. When describing hueing logs and digging out the old wells he always told me success was hard work. He loved the outdoors and nature. After the CCC he joined the Army AirCorps in 1941 and then went to Presque Isle, (PA) upon discharge. Later he started a small contracting business in Illinois. Written by son, Phil Keppler.
Co. 645, F-39, Camp Cavor, Laona, WI 1937
Donor: Eugene Ruenger
Description: Photos of Camp Cavor, Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest
Archive#: 13-LF-CLC-6564

Co. 2621, S-85, City Point, WI
Donor: Donna Schlenker
Description: Photo collection of John Wolan
Archive#: 12-LF-CLC-6553
Co. 2672, SP-6, Camp Nelson Dewey, Wyalusing, WI
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