Co. 529, F-155, Lake Arrowhead, CA - 7-27-1933
Donor: Kopshina Family to honor CCC enrollee George Zarick.
Description: Lake Arrowhead is located in the San Bernardino National Forest. The camp was established on May 29, 1933. The military component of Co. 529 was also located in Utah and Montana. Enrollee George Zarick was originally from Pennsylvania but moved to Ohio where he enlisted in the CCC. He was born in Czechoslovakia.
Archive: California Digital Archives
Co. 544, F-128, Upland, CA. Camp San Antonio
Donor Jackie Wash
Camp San Antonio. Collection of Ealy Wash
Archive#: 12-LF-CLC-6555

Co. 988, F-91, Camp Northfork, CA
Photo back reads: Johnny Ryan, F. Lemley, Unknown. 1937, Sierra National Forest
Archive#: 10-LF-CLC-6232
Co. 990, SP-12, Big Sur, CA - 1934
Donor Betty Seacord
Road Building – Howard Seacord used his CCC dozer experience throughout his life.
Co. 1634, P-233 Camp Winnewawa - 1933, CA
This photo does not indicate a state location. Although research indicates P-233 was in California, there is no mention of Co. 1634 in California in relationship to P-233. Co. 1634 is mentioned in Oregon and Washington Records. Capt. H.L. Harms, Commander.

Co. 1917-V, SP-21 Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA 1935
Donor: Lloyd Mielke
The first major statue produced to honor the CCC was a statue titled “Spirit of the CCC,” later nicknamed “Iron Mike.” A Works Progress Administration (WPA), Federal Art Project sculptor, Uno John Palokangas (known as John Palo-Kangas), was assigned to Camp #1917-V (WWI Veterans Camp), SP-21. The art work in this statue is referred to as art-deco and is typical of the art of that period. The model for this statue was Robert J. Pauley of Carmichael, California. Mr. Pauley was a veteran of WWI and was about 38 years old at the time.
The statue was unveiled by President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the dedication on October 1, 1935 at CCC Company 1917 in Griffith Park, Los Angeles, California.
A bronzed colored plaster of the park model was exhibited at the CCC exhibition camp in Balboa Park in San Diego, California and was dedicated on May 19, 1936 by James J. McEntee, Assistant Director of the CCC.
Both statues have disappeared.
Co. 1953, F-124, King City, CA Camp Arroyo Seco
Donor: Ben Libick
Archive#: 11-LF-CLC-6428
Co. 1954, F-357 North Fork, Camp Lisenby
Donor: JoAnn Muller
Camp Lisenby – Donated in honor of her father, James Allen Goss
Archive#: 15-LF-CLC-6622
Co. 6451, F-176, Seiad Valley
Donor: Leroy L. Wages
Camp Seiad was on the Klamath National Forest. Individuals not identified.
F-9 Canyon Dam, CA - July 1933
Donor: Patricia Butler
Collection of Howard Morgan, KY. His first camp experience was Lake Almanor on the Plumas National Forest in CA. Note indicates that the camp was on the lake shore. Company number cannot be determined.