Co. 1741, BF-3, Little Island, AR - 1940 White River Wildlife Refuge
Donor: Dale Manual
Archive#: 11-LF-CLC-6373
Co. 3776-C, SP-2, DeWitt, AR - White River Wildlife Refuge
Donor: Dale Manuel
Archive #: 11-LF-CLC-6373
Co. 3777-SP-9, Hot Springs, AR, Camp Legrue - 1941
Donor: Tammy Berkey, Daughter
Description: Walker Felts is on the far right bearing the shaven head.
Archive: Arkansas Digital Archive
Co. 3791, BF-1, St. Charles, AR - 1933
Donor: Dale Manuel
Description: The CCC was housed in quarterboats while working on the White River Wildlife Refuge. A quarter board is a nautical term that describes living quarters on water.